Support Us
What does it mean to change the way Milwaukee eats?
Donations of any amount, recurring or once a year, make a huge impact. Just $5 sends home a plant-based meal kit to a Milwaukee student & family.
At FoodRight, your donation makes a difference to the health and well-being of our students and the Milwaukee community for generations to come.
Eating take-out and pre-packaged convenience foods has become the norm. While Americans from every sector suffer the effects, people in low-income communities - where food budgets are limited - suffer disproportionately. The result is an alarming rate of obesity, malnutrition, diabetes and heart disease.
At FoodRight we understand that complex problems require multi-faceted solutions; that's why, in addition to our fun, hands-on culinary nutrition education programs , we develop innovative strategies to help support healthier school environments through policy, systems, and environmental initiatives.
Your support creates a ripple effect—children who learn to cook and appreciate healthy food now cook and eat healthy foods throughout their life. They raise children with the same values and pass on these life skills. Together with your support we can reverse the epidemic of obesity and poor eating in a single generation. All children deserve access to wholesome food and the chance to enjoy life-long health.
Designate FoodRight for your
United Way Pledge!
Here's how:
in the "Optional designated contribution to an approved 501(c)(3). Direct my gift to the following agency." write FoodRight, Inc. PO Box 510622
Having trouble? Contact Lori Bovin at or call 414-269-1999
Get your friends involved and
make a BIG impact for your birthday!
Here's how:
Start a Fundraiser on Facebook for your birthday and select FoodRight as your nonprofit of choice
Make sure you're following us @FoodRightInc!